
Drag Dad to the Doctor This Father's Day

This Father's Day, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) wants men everywhere to check themselves out -- and then get checked out by their doctor.

Struggling to find the perfect present this Father's Day? What better way to say "I love you" than showing your Dad you want to keep him healthy and vital for years to come. This Father's Day, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) wants men everywhere to check themselves out -- and then get checked out by their doctor.

More than 10 percent of all men ages 20 and over have diabetes. The symptoms of type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease, can come on so gradually that nearly a third of men with diabetes don't know they have the disease until they develop one of its serious or deadly complications such as heart disease and stroke.

Could your Dad's health be in jeopardy?

On Father's Day, show Dad you care by taking time to help him find out if he is at risk for diabetes or other diabetes related complications. The ADA's Check Up America initiative, addresses specific health risk factors that can lead to trouble down the road. If your dad is overweight or obese; smokes; is physically inactive; has high cholesterol, blood glucose, or blood pressure; older than 45; is from a high risk ethnic population; or if type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease run in your family -- it's time for a check up.

Call the ADA's toll free number (1-800-342-2383) for a listing of diabetes specialists in your area. ADA also co-sponsors the Diabetes Physician Recognition Program with the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) that recognizes physicians who demonstrate that they provide high-quality care to patients with diabetes.

If your Father is diagnosed with diabetes, consider a subscription to ADA's Diabetes Forecast -- America's leading diabetes magazine for over 55 years. Published monthly, the consumer oriented publication features helpful articles on how to eat well, beat stress, stay active, get support, and find great diabetes care -- all crucial components to helping Dad stay in control of his health to prevent complications and improve his quality of life.

A subscription to the magazine also means that he can take advantage of all the benefits of ADA's consumer membership, such as discounts on ADA publications including cookbooks, meal planners, lifestyle guides, and videos; and updates on the latest diabetes research news; access to diabetes support and information. Furthermore, as a subscriber he will receive ADA's Annual Resource Guide for Diabetes Supplies -- the most comprehensive resource available for consumers about diabetes supplies.

The American Diabetes Association is the nation's premier voluntary health organization supporting diabetes research, information and advocacy. The Association's mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. Founded in 1940, the Association provides services to hundreds of communities across the country.

Source: PRNewswire









