Making a perfect cup of tea apparently boils down to the science and not the art of tea making, researchers found.

The optimum brewing time is two minutes and the ideal amount of milk is 10ml.
The perfect drinking temperature of 60 degrees Celsius is achieved six minutes later - but after 17 minutes and 30 seconds the tea will be past its best as it falls below 45 degrees Celsius.
Or, as the scientists at the University of Northumbria put it in their formula: TB + (H2O at 100 degrees centigrade) 2mins BT + C (10ml) 6mins BT = PC (at OT 60 degrees centigrade).
TB means tea bag, BT is brewing time, C is milk, PC means perfect cuppa, and OT stands for optimum temperature.
For their findings, the team of the study, commissioned by a milk company, spent 180 hours in the lab testing brewing methods, and a panel of volunteers consumed 285 cups of tea.
"Our findings show that 10ml is the preferred amount of milk for our cuppas, due to its ability to balance natural bitterness and allow a smoother taste sensation," he said.