
Drug Inhibits Blood Flow to Tumors

Cancerous tumors can be killed by depriving them of oxygen and nutrients, claim scientists at Queen’s University in Belfast.

 Drug Inhibits Blood Flow to Tumors
Cancerous tumors can be killed by depriving them of oxygen and nutrients, claim scientists at Queen’s University in Belfast.
Scientists from the university's school of pharmacy and Almac Discovery Ltd have developed a new drug to disrupt the tumor’s blood supply and they have shown that by doing this, the drug inhibits the growth of tumors.

It is thought the drug could be particularly useful in treating prostate and breast cancer.

Professor Tracy Robson who led the research remarked, “All laboratory evidence suggests the drug is very good but we will not know how good until we take it through phase one of the clinical trial.”

Clinical trials for the drug will begin within the next year.

