A popular class of drug that is used in lowering blood pressure also slows down the progression of dementia

The group, enrolled at memory clinics in two university hospitals in Ontario, Canada, was monitored between 1999 and 2010, using two standard tests to track their cognitive skills.
Eighty-five of them were already taking blood pressure medication called centrally active angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors -- better known as CACE-I drugs -- when they were enrolled in the study.
Patients in this group had a small but measurable slowing in mental decline compared with counterparts who did not take the medication, according to the Irish analysis.
The researchers also carried out a smaller-scale probe, assessing the brain power of 30 patients who were newly prescribed the drugs, during their first six months on the medication.
They found a slender improvement in cognitive abilities in this group compared to others that did not take CACE-I drugs -- the first time that any such improvement has ever been seen.
The researchers say that the cause for the apparent upturn is unknown, and caution against unrestricted use of CACE-1 drugs, given their potential side-effects.
In a comparison of more than 1,000 patients, the probe found that CACE-I drugs were linked to a 65-percent reduction in cognitive decline per year of exposure.
One theory is that CACE-I drugs work because they are small molecules that are able to slip through the thick protective membrane known as the blood-brain barrier.
If they are effective, it is not primarily due to their effect on blood pressure but on the part of the brain that is involved in memory and cognition, according to this thinking.