Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) in Singapore has made an announcement, that it is terminating the import of ducks from Perak, in Malaysia
Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) in Singapore has made an announcement, that it is terminating the import of ducks from Perak, in Malaysia, with immediate effect. This embargo follows the confirmation made by Malaysia's Department of Veterinary Services to the AVA, of H5N1 bird flu outbreak in their State of Perak.
Nearly 80% of Singapore’s duck consumption needs are met by imports from Perak, so this ban might cause an interim paucity of ducks, according to the AVA. The AVA is seriously considering other alternatives like frozen duck imports from Netherlands and the United States to attenuate the effects of the sudden shortfall. The ban will not affect the poultry imports from the unaffected areas of Johor, Malacca and Negri Sembilan in Malaysia, according to AVA reports.The AVA has doubly assured the public that poultry and poultry products in Singapore are absolutely safe for consumption. They have reiterated that Singapore will give a further thrust to surveillance and inspections at the entry point of birds to the country, so that the city can be spared the ordeal of combating a bird-flu outbreak. Thankfully, no bird flu virus has been detected in Singapore till date.