
Dust Mites Make Skin Lose Water

Researchers at the Atopy (Allergy) Research Center at the Juntendo University School of Medicine in Tokyo say in a new study that dust mites as well as their droppings have the potential to irritate the immune system and leave people exposed to infections.

Previous studies have already linked dust mites to eczema and other allergies, but this study explains the mechanism behind these conditions. An enzyme present in mites causes the allergy, the researchers said. They exposed hairless mice to a solution containing the mite enzyme and found that as soon as the solution was rubbed, water loss was seen.

''We observed in the mice transepidermal water loss, which is an indication of disruption of the skin barrier. We also observed the penetration of riboflavin into the skin,'' lead researcher Takai said in an interview with Reuters. He added that the finding could provide an explanation for dermal allergies in humans.

