
Dutch Healthcare Expert Distributes Female Contraceptives in a Belly Tray

by Kathy Jones on Dec 6 2013 8:45 PM

 Dutch Healthcare Expert Distributes Female Contraceptives in a Belly Tray
A Dutch healthcare expert has quickly become the center of attention at the Global Health Conference on Social Marketing and Social Franchising, organized by Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust (HLFPPT) in Kochi, after she was found to be distributing female contraceptives in a belly tray.
With not many people aware of female contraceptives, Beatris Janssen said that she often does this sort of presentation in all countries where health conferences are held.

Janssen, who works as communications advisor with Universal Access to Female Condoms (UAFC), revealed that female condoms play a crucial role in preventing spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases but lack of awareness mean that very few females use them.

“By marketing female condoms using a belly tray will naturally reduce the opposition against the use of it. When I displayed it openly even conservative Kochiites examined it and openly discussed about. People may not get an opportunity to know about female condoms if they are being sold through stores. Many people will be ashamed to examine it going to a store. In Kerala, people are even averse talking about condoms. But by using belly tray method one can market it well. We can modify the belly tray according to the preferences of local people”, she said.

