About three out of every four teen smokers goes on to smoke as an adult, due to their addiction to nicotine (the primary ingredient in e-cigs).
E-Cigarettes may contain ingredients that are known to be toxic to humans. With e-cigarettes there are many unknowns, including the unknown health effects of long-term use. A single exposure to e-cigarette vapour may be enough to impair vascular function, claims a new study. Researchers from West Virginia University researchers studied artery diameter, the blood vessels' ability to widen (vasodilation) and aortic stiffness in female mice after short- and long-term exposure to flavoured e-cig vapour.
‘E-cigarettes are marketed as a way to get your nicotine fix without inhaling all that lung-blackening smoke. But it turns out e-cigarette vapors may be full of suspected lung irritants that could contribute to heart troubles down the road.’
Aortic stiffness is an age-related complication in the heart's main artery (aorta) that can be an indicator of cardiovascular disease. They found that within an hour of the five-minute e-cig exposure, the short-term group's arteries narrowed by approximately 30 percent. Vasodilation decreased as well. Long-term exposure to e-cig vapour (20 hours per week over a period of eight months) also produced negative effects of chronic e-cig use, including aortic stiffness, which was more than twice as high as control groups exposed to normal room air. "These data indicate that e-cigs should not be considered safe and that they induce significant deleterious effects" on blood vessel function, wrote the authors.
The study will be presented at the Cardiovascular Aging: New Frontiers and Old Friends meeting in Westminster, Colo.