Scientists have combined meditation and brain stimulation devices (E-meditation) to create transcendental experience.
To combat mental unrest, scientists have been exploring mindfulness meditation, but with a twist namely E-meditation, in which mindfulness techniques are coupled with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). In tDCS, a low electrical current is sent through the skin to specific areas of the brain. For E-Meditation, tDCS is targeted toward those regions of the brain that are involved in meditation. The study was conducted by Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) brain stimulation researchers Bashar W. Badran, Ph.D. and E. Baron Short, M.D., both of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.
‘Scientists have combined meditation and brain stimulation devices (E-meditation) to create transcendental experience.’
Badran and Short recently partnered with the Center for Mindful Learning to investigate the effects of a five-day E-meditation retreat, in which 31 study participants were guided through the use of a meditation-enhancing device (Zendo, Bodhi Neurotech, Inc., Charleston, SC) that allowed them to self-administer tCDS up to twice a day during their meditation practice. The findings were reported at the 2019 Joint Meeting of Neuromodulation, held in Napa, California in October. While direct current stimulation to the brain might seem counterintuitive in those seeking peace and relaxation, preliminary evidence from the MUSC researchers suggest that tDCS could be an effective method for reining in a wandering mind.
In a January 2017 letter to the editor of the journal Brain Stimulation, Short, Badran and colleagues reported increased feelings of calm as well as increases in scores on some facets of a mindfulness measure, including a significant increase in "acting with awareness," after tDCS use.
These findings led the researchers to launch a start-up to develop a neurostimulation device that could be used to enhance meditation. But would it be feasible to ask meditators to use the device to self-administer brain stimulation? That was the question the researchers were trying to answer with the study at the E-meditation retreat.
"So the question was, can people self-administer brain stimulation to augment their meditation practice outside of the laboratory?" said Badran.
E-meditation is still relatively new to the scene, but if the success seen at the retreat is borne out by longer-term studies with more participants, the team hopes one day to see E-meditation become a household practice.
"We wanted to make a tool for both novice and pros that could accelerate their practice," said Badran. "I hope this is the way people will be meditating for the next 50 years."