
Early puberty linked to nutrition

According to a research done by the school of Medicine from Harvard,after studying the eating behavior and the growing indexes of 67 girls,

According to a research done by the school of Medicine from Harvard,after studying the eating behavior and the growing indexes of 67 girls, concluded that the inclusion of more animal fats and less vegetables in the diet between the 6th and 8th year of age took some of the participants of the research to an early puberty.

The results of the research is of great importance to modify certain eating habits and to maintain a healthy weight throughout all life. Because in a long term, the early menstruation entails a serious risk for health, because the long exposition to estrogens can increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

Besides the excess of body fat is a source of extra feminine hormones, because its secretion doesn’t only depend of the activity of the ovaries. In the adipose tissue a complex biochemical mechanism takes place through which the androgens become in estrone and estradiol.

This way obesity and estrogens constitute an explosive couple able to trigger dangerous pathologic mechanisms. The leptine is the hormone of the obesity secreted by the adipose tissue, the responsible of the acceleration of the process, because it acts as a chemical mediator that sends signs to the central nervous system.

Also the early menstruation is usual in those who have a reduced sport activity. This is why a continuous physical activity and the control of weight through a diet from childhood doesn’t only translate into an immediate health but protects during all of the reproductive life.









