An earthquake of magnitude 6.8 hit the Pacific coast and has caused a minor tsunami near the Fukushima nuclear plant

The Meteorological Agency reported that the tsunami was observed to be 20 cm (7.8 inches) in Miyagi Prefecture, Ofunato, Ishinomaki, and Iwate Prefecture.
The city of Soma also witnessed 10 cm waves roughly 40km north of the Fukushima No.1 plant.
The report mentioned that at least three people have been injured.
A meteorological agency official said that the tsunami was the result of the massive March 2011 earthquake.
The coastline had still not recovered from the 2011 tsunami and quake that had killed 18,000 people and had triggered a disaster at Fukushima No.1 plant.
The local governments also issued evacuation advisories. Some 12,000 residents were evacuated in Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture.