Holding the breathing cushion produced a similar effect on anxiety in students as a meditation practice, revealed study.

‘Holding the breathing cushion produced a similar effect on anxiety in students as a meditation practice.’

Previous research has shown that At-home anxiety aids including touch-based devices, such as TouchPoints wearables and Paro the seal, an interactive therapeutic robot could complement anxiety treatments.

Now, researchers developed a new, touch-based device that could ease anxiety. They initially built several prototype devices that simulated different sensations, such as breathing, purring, and a heartbeat.
Each prototype took the form of a soft, huggable cushion that was meant to be intuitive and inviting. Focus group testing identified the “breathing” cushion as being the most pleasant and calming, so they further developed it into a larger, mechanical cushion.
To test the new device, the research team recruited 129 volunteers for an experiment involving a group mathematics test. Using pre- and post-test questionnaires, the researchers found that students who used the device were less anxious pre-test than those who did not.
The experiment also compared the breathing cushion to a guided meditation, and found that both were equally effective at easing anxiety.
This device to be used intuitively opens it up to providing wider audiences with accessible anxiety relief.