
Eating disorder occurs due to increased weight consciousness

Recent study has shown that Anorexia occurs in persons who have an unnecessary increased weightconsciousness.

Recent study has shown that Anorexia occurs in persons who have an unnecessary increased weightconsciousness.

Researchers have found that eating disorders occurs mostly in men. Eating disorders occurs one in ten people. The reasons for this disorder are mostly due to people with increased weight consciousness, family pressure, physical and neurological problems. The person with this disorder is not aware of its own accurate body shape – ‘body image disturbance’. Person with symptoms of anorexia feels that he is very overweight and he feels that he blocks away the entire doorway because he is so overweight. Though he may look normal and his forearm and hand may be thin, he psychologically thinks that he is fat and his body is covered with excess fat. The patient wrongly thinks that he is too fat and starts dieting to lose weight. An anorexia patient has a body mass index of less than 17.5.

There are many ways to reduce fat and to avoid anorexia, do proper exercise, avoid fatty diet, and eat fat-free diets. Though anorexia occurs due to ‘loss of appetite, most of the sufferers are mostly hungry and they are making themselves sick by avoiding to eat. The people with anorexia are not able to maintain a normal social life, the illness may upset the family psychologically and mostly they face problem with their physical fitness and have reduced concentration at work place.

Though, the treatment options for treating completely anorexia can take a long time, it can be effectively treated with the help of a psychiatrist. Anti-depressant drugs can be used to regulate eating habits.

Medindia on Anorexia - Further Information:

Home Treatment for Anorexia: This results in loss of appetite due to excessive fasting where the activity of the stomach slows down and secretion of gastric juices are reduced.

For more information read:

Anorexia: Anorexia (Anorexia Nervosa) is a serious medical condition that leads to problems with eating. People having anorexia, worry a lot about how their body looks and how much they weigh. They avoid eating, taking laxatives or spend many hours exercising. Anorexia patients can die from starving themselves.

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Calculate your Body Mass Index – Calculator developed by Medindia. The Body Mass Index (BMI) measures the weight status of your body in relation to the fat. It is a simple tool that helps to figure out the amount of excess body fat and the associated risks of carrying this extra weight. It can be applied to both men and women. It is advisable to use ‘Body Mass Index’ along ‘Waist to Hip Ratio’ to get a complete picture of your weight status. Use the calculator link below to find your BMI.

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