
Eating food rich in calcium and vitamin D helps fight PMS

Diet rich in vitamin D and calcium can ward off an attack of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is the set of symptoms that affect a lot of women a week or ten days before the menstruation. Some common symptoms of PMS are depression, feelings of aggression and mood swings. Often women who experience premenstrual syndrome feel their social interactions and relationships are getting affected because of their physical conditions.

Researchers of University of Massachusetts have observed 1057 women in the age group of 27 to 45 who reported PMS. Their result showed a significant lowering of the premenstrual symptoms in women who had dietary intakes equivalent to 1,200mg of calcium and 400 IU of Vitamin D. Calcium supplements are also seen to reduce the severity of premenstrual syndrome.

Researchers feel that as dietary calcium and vitamin D are also good as preventive measures for osteoarthritis and some forms of cancers, it is recommended that these be prescribed to women of all ages to take them as essential nutrients for their physical health.

The research is being published in the current issue of Archives of Internal Medicine of American Medical association.

Reference: Archives of Internal Medicine, June 2005
