Standing and eating for just a few minutes can mute your taste buds and overall consumption volume. Standing position causes great physical stress, which in turn makes the heart pump more blood. Therefore, eating while sitting can reduce stress and let you enjoy your meal.

‘Standing and eating for just a few minutes can mute your taste buds and overall consumption volume. Standing position causes great physical stress, which in turn makes the heart pump more blood. Therefore, eating while sitting can make you enjoy your meal and reduce stress.’

The researchers looked specifically at how the vestibular sense, which is responsible for balance, posture and spatial orientation, interacts with the gustatory sensory system, which impacts taste and flavor. 

"This finding suggests that parents might be able to make unpleasant-tasting, healthy foods seem more palatable to reluctant children by having them eat standing up (vs. sitting down). In a similar vein, it might be beneficial to maintain a standing posture when consuming pharmaceutical products that have unpleasant tastes," said study lead author Dipayan Biswas, Professor at the University of South Florida in the US.
The research team found that the force of gravity pushes blood to the lower parts of the body, causing the heart to work harder to pump blood back up to the top of the body, accelerating heart rate.
This activates the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis and leads to increased concentrations of the stress hormone cortisol.
This chain reaction reduces sensory sensitivity, which impacts food and beverage taste evaluation, food temperature perception and overall consumption volume.
The research team confirmed their hypothesis by having 350 participants rate the tastiness of a pita chip. Those who were standing gave it a less favorable rating than those who were sitting in a padded chair.