News on the increase in Diabetes in the Asian subcontinent and it effects on the population.
A research article published in the Lancet has brought to light that diabetes is a leading factor of health problems for the Indian community. With only 2.2percent of the Adult population of Indians being in the category of obese this clearly shows that the Indian body constitution is responsible.
It is estimated that 12 percent of the adult population in India between the age groups of 30 and 50 has procured diabetes. And by the year 2025 diabetes would be prevalent in 20 million Indian people around the world. The same figures are estimated for the Chines community as well.What is even more alarming is that recent success of the Asian markets with the BPO and IT boom lifestyles of the community are changing greatly. This sudden jump in the health of the Indian community as far as diabetes is concerned has happened over an extremely short period of time. With an increase in desk jobs, longer office hours, erratic eating hours, inconsistent sleep patters and high amount of stress levels the younger Asian population will be look at more serious health hazards in the coming years.