Researchers have found that eight percent of fans attending professional baseball and football events in the US are legally drunk when leaving the stadium after the game.

The study by the University of Minnesota is the first to measure BAC levels of fans after professional sporting events in America.
However, lead author Darin Erickson admitted that the sample size was small, as few fans wanted to take the BAC test after the game.
"Getting fans to submit to a breath test and participate in a brief survey following a football or baseball game is not an easy task," he said.
"We conducted BAC tests of 362 adult attendees following 13 baseball games and three football games. This is a preliminary study, but the first one to actually attempt to measure BAC levels after professional sporting events in the U.S.," he added.
However, Erickson said that even with the small sample it suggests that 5,000 fans could be leaving a football game legally drunk.
The study also found that tailgaters were 14 times more likely to be legally drunk after the game than their non-tailgating counterparts.