Impaired urea metabolism causes neurological impairment and could initiate neuro-degeneration and the symptoms of Huntington’s disease.
- Huntington’s Disease - one of seven major types of age-related dementia - is directly linked to brain urea levels and metabolic processes.
- Disruption of urea metabolism //is known to cause neurologic impairment and could initiate neurodegeneration and the symptoms of HD.
- The high urea levels occurred before dementia sets in, which could help doctors to one day diagnose and even treat dementia, well in advance of its onset.

The work follows on from Professor Cooper’s earlier studies, which identified metabolic linkages between Huntington’s, other neurodegenerative diseases and type-2 diabetes.
The team used human brains, donated by families for medical research, as well as transgenic sheep in Australia.
Manchester members of the team used cutting-edge gas chromatography mass spectrometry to measure brain urea levels. For levels to be toxic urea must rise 4-fold or higher than in the normal brain says Professor Cooper.
He added: "We already know Huntington’s Disease is an illness caused by a faulty gene in our DNA - but until now we didn’t understand how that causes brain damage - so we feel this is an important milestone.
The team consists of scientists from The University of Manchester, the University of Auckland, AgResearch New Zealand, the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University.
The Huntington’s study also showed that the high urea levels occurred before dementia sets in, which could help doctors to one day diagnose and even treat dementia, well in advance of its onset.
Urea and ammonia in the brain are metabolic breakdown products of protein. Urea is more commonly known as a compound which is excreted from the body in urine. If urea and ammonia build up in the body because the kidneys are unable to eliminate them, for example, serious symptoms can result.
Professor Cooper, who is based at The University of Manchester’s Division of Cardiovascular Sciences, said: "This study on Huntington’s Disease is the final piece of the jigsaw which leads us to conclude that high brain urea plays a pivotal role in dementia.
"Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s are at opposite ends of the dementia spectrum - so if this holds true for these types, then I believe it is highly likely it will hold true for all the major age-related dementias. More research, however, is needed to discover the source of the elevated urea in HD, particularly concerning the potential involvement of ammonia and a systemic metabolic defect.”
Dementia results in a progressive and irreversible loss of nerve cells and brain functioning, causing loss of memory and cognitive impairments affecting the ability to learn. Currently, there is no cure. "Doctors already use medicines to tackle high levels of ammonia in other parts of the body Lactulose - a commonly used laxative, for example, traps ammonia in the gut. So it is conceivable that one day, a commonly used drug may be able to stop dementia from progressing. It might even be shown that treating this metabolic state in the brain may help in the regeneration of tissue, thus giving a tantalising hint that reversal of dementia may one day be possible."
- Renee R. Handley Suzanne J. Reida, Rudiger Brauningb, Paul Maclean, Emily R. Mears, Imche Fourie, Stefano Patassinic, Garth J. S. Cooper, Skye R. Rudigere, Clive J. McLaughlan, Paul J. Verma, James F. Gusella, Marcy E. MacDonald, Henry J. Waldvogel, C. Simon Bawden, Richard L. M. Faull, and Russell G. Snella. ’Brain urea increase is an early Huntington’s disease pathogenic event observed in a prodromal transgenic sheep model and HD cases.’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2017).