Reports show that mums who blog, tweet and text can get just as vicious as any teenager online.
Reports show that mums who blog, tweet and text can get just as vicious as any teenager online. Mommy blogging is growing in popularity, but instead of finding compassion, kindness, most are facing negative and hurtful judgements.
"There's a lot of insecurity, a lot of confusion, resentment, just about being a mother," the New York Daily News quoted psychiatrist and mom blogger Janet Taylor as telling Good Morning America.
"There's a sense of 'I have to be better than you and I'm going to prove it by writing negative things'. Not supporting, just writing negative things," she said.he bullying words are quite unsubtle, like when a blogger called a working mother "selfish", and called a co-sleeping mother, a mom who sleeps in the same bed with her kids, "irresponsible".
According to Good Morning America, one of the meanest reactions to an online mom blogger came last year after Shellie Ross, a popular blogger, found her 2-year-old drowned in the pool.
Less than an hour after she found him, she was tweeting her 5,400 followers, asking for their prayers.
And although she said she did not "tweet-by-tweet" the accident, her Twitter feed was full of responses, many of which were angry and which blamed her for her son's death.
In another incident, mom of two Norie Pereira, from New Jersey, endured criticism when she spoke out online about how her daughter had been the victim of online bullying after a nude photo she'd texted to her boyfriend went viral.
Moms called her daughter a slut and said that the girl should have been taught morals and self-respect by her parents.
"It just amazes me there's no compassion, especially [in] moms because you think moms that have maternal feeling to protect," she added.