In India every 10th household is right now reporting an active case within immediate family members, as per the IANS-CVoter Covid Tracker.

‘Every 10 Indian families has at least one family member suffering from Covid and one in every 20 Indian families has self-reported a death within immediate or extended family.’

And the highest number of deaths are being reported in the relatively young. 36.2 per cent deaths occurred in the age bracket below 45 years. 14.9 per cent deaths are between 26 and 35 years and 19.1 per cent deaths between 36 and 45 years. 

The fear remains about someone in the family getting infected or not getting treatment. This fear is unlikely to go down till the actual number of cases go down and people start getting treatment and oxygen properly without getting too stressed about it. The tracker is generally one to two weeks ahead of the official trendline, and we don't see that happening for next 6 to 8 weeks in near future.
The tracker found that Corona becomes the top issue, again in India and the number of confirmed positive cases and deaths within immediate family as reported by Tracker is multiple times over the official Government numbers.
Even by the most conservative estimates, the self-reported ILI (Influenza like illness) symptoms is directly in sync with the trendline of self-reported Covid positive cases. Needless to say, that only a fraction of such cases have been tested for Covid, as usual. So, the lack of testing is being passed as lack of positive cases.
"Whichever way we calculate, the official records are showing less than 1/10th of numbers that is being reported by the public, be it in case of Active report or be it the case of mortalities. The self-reported numbers by "We, the people of India" are numbing, and experienced by all of us barring the "system", the tracker found.
56.9 per cent respondents said they are afraid that either myself or someone in my family may actually catch the Coronavirus.
On the requirement of ICU, ventilator, oxygen supply, 51.7 per cent said there was a requirement and got these easily while 31.7 per cent said they got these after lot of efforts while 8.4 per cent said they did not get these even after lots of efforts.