Latest research has now confirmed a link between exercising and the prevention and survival rates of certain cancers.
Latest research has now confirmed a link between exercising and the prevention and survival rates of certain cancers.
In a study conducted researchers gathered results from nearly 850 women with endometrial cancer, aged 30 to 69. Participants were asked about the level of exercise activity during their adolescent and adult years.Results show women who exercised in both these stages of life were up to 40 percent less likely to develop endometrial cancer than those who were not active. Exercise was defined as moderate activity, such as household chores or 30 minutes of walking, and higher levels of activity, such as 60 minutes or more of a cardiovascular regimen.Results from another study conducted by researchers from Brigham support the theory that exercise benefits at-risk cancer patients.After studying the exercise regimen of nearly 3,000 women diagnosed with breast cancer, researchers confirmed that the risk of death from breast cancer decreased with every level of physical activity as opposed to being sedentary.
Thus specialists say, " The effect of exercise on inflammatory markers may help to explain in part the associations observed between increased physical activity and reduced risk for cancer and other chronic disease."