A physical exercise programme was found to help women suffering from postmenopausal osteoporosis, say researchers.

The participants in the Exercise Group followed a supervised programme of physical exercise involving strength and balance training, which lasted six months in which there were 72 sessions each lasting 60 minutes, in which between 5 and 8 balance exercises and between 8 and 12 strength exercises were done per session.
The Control Group did not take part in the programme of physical exercise, although they did do the strength and balance tests beforehand and afterwards.
At the start of the programme there were no significant differences in the two groups in any of the variables.
However, following the intervention, the strength of the upper and lower limbs of the groups was markedly different.
Otero said that those in the Exercise Group improved their performance in muscular strength of the upper and lower limbs, while those in the Control Group worsened in both variables.
Otero concluded that a programme of physical exercise based on low-intensity strength exercises and exercises involving static and dynamic balance, carried out three days per week in one-hour sessions over a 6-month period, leads to significant improvements in muscular strength in the upper and lower limbs and in static and dynamic balance in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis.