Rehabilitation programs that involve balance and eye movement exercises can help patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) improve their balance problems and fatigue.

‘Balance problems and fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) can be improved with exercise programs.’

People with MS can also have vision problems, including problems that cause them to make inappropriate movement corrections that can cause further balance issues.

The study was published in the online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
"Most rehabilitation programs to improve balance have focused mainly on strength exercises and balance exercises that are not designed for the specific problems of people with MS," said study author Jeffrey R. Hebert, PT, PhD, of the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora.
"We wanted to see if performing balance and eye movement exercises while processing multiple different sensory information could help people improve their balance and fatigue issues."
The study involved 88 people with MS who were able to walk 100 meters with no more assistance than using a cane or other device on one side.
As a control group, the rest of the participants were told that they were on a waiting list for the program. All of the participants were tested after six weeks and again at the end of the program.
After six weeks, the people who had completed the exercise program had improved in their balance compared to the control group.
On a computer-based balance test where healthy adults with no balance issues reach a score of around 90 or better out of 100, the scores of those who completed the exercise program went from an average of 63 at the start of the program to an average of 73 at six weeks, compared to scores of 62 at the start to 66 at the end for the control group. The improvements were still evident at the end of the study.
The people who did the exercises also improved on the fatigue and dizziness tests compared to the control group.
Hebert said further studies are needed to determine if improvements can be sustained and to directly compare this exercise program to other balance training programs.