
Experts Recommend Tuning in to Family, Not Devices

by Sheela Philomena on Oct 14 2011 10:44 AM

Powering down digital devices is a key step in maintaining family relationships and health, say University of Missouri human development specialists.

 Experts Recommend Tuning in to Family, Not Devices
Powering down digital devices is a key step in maintaining family relationships and health, say University of Missouri human development specialists.
Kelly Warzinik, Extension associate in the College of Human Environmental Sciences, says that instead of watching TV or talking on a cellphone, parents can take advantage of daily opportunities to interact with their children at meal times or in the car. Additionally, she notes that while it is important for children to be involved in activities such as sports or music, parents should not overschedule themselves or their children to ensure that everyone has time to connect.

"Husbands and wives who are working and raising kids may need to be even more intentional about nurturing their relationship as a couple," Warzinik said. "Touch base throughout the day by calling, emailing or texting, and after children are asleep, put down the iPhone, turn off the television and just focus on each other."

