It was three years ago that Rachael Devcich, 42-year-old Art Director and mother of two kids, got obsessively attached to extreme fitness sport, CrossFit.

So, she began to eat more poultry, dairy, meat, sea food and fruits and vegetables.
She did away with processed food, grains, soy and pulses.
"At first I thought, 'Oh my God, that just sounds ridiculously limiting,"' she said.
"But I tried it for a week and I'd never felt so good."
The Paleo is another version of clean eating approach to food, whose advocates are Kim Kardashian and Nicole Kidman.
According to nutritionist and healthy food guide author Claire Turnbull, most principles of clean eating are healthy but the diet can have an adverse effect if it is not interpreted correctly or if it is taken to the extremes.
"We need sleep, we need exercise, we need low stress and we need routine, good food, fibre, green vegetables, antioxidants - we need all these things to be healthy. It is the healthy people who are trying to get healthier that these kind of messages go around with. Do they make a jot on national obesity rates - very, very unlikely,” nutritionist and healthy food guide author Claire Turnbull.