Face masks can provide a form of variolation that would generate immunity and slow the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Face masks can have a vaccine-like effect by slowing the spread of COVID-19 infection and by generating immunity, according to a new study from California University. Scientists are comparing face masks to variolation. Variolation was followed before a smallpox vaccine was discovered.
‘Wearing face masks can filter out some of the virus-containing droplets. Masks can become a form of variolation by generating immunity and slowing the spread of COVID-19.’
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Variolation is a process in which people who did not have the disease were exposed to material from smallpox patients that would call mild infection. The mild infection would protect the people from contracting the full disease. Read More..
The scientist considered the possibility consistent as the theory of viral pathogenesis states that the severity of the disease is proportional to the amount of virus infecting.
Face masks filter out virus-containing droplets. Thus, wearing a mask might reduce the amount of the virus a person inhales.
An experiment performed on hamsters supported the theory of the researchers that wearing a mask has similar effects to variolation.
Animals with stimulated masking were less likely to be an infection or had milder symptoms when compared to unmasked hamsters.
The researchers referred an outbreak in a closed Argentinian cruise ship. The passengers were provided with surgical masks, and the staff were given N95 masks.
It is crucial to wear a mask as it can generate immunity and reduce the spread of the virus.