A recent study suggests that Facebook has the potential to boost your self-esteem and make you feel happy.

In the first experiment, students were asked to give a small speech and then were asked to spend some time on Facebook either to look into their own profiles or others. Later the students were given negative feedback about their speech. It was found that students who had viewed their own profile did not react much to criticism as those who visited others’ profile.
In the next experiment, some students were give positive remarks while others received negative feedback. Students were then asked to use any social networking site. It was found that those who received negative remarks were most likely to use Facebook than those with positive feedback.
The findings show that Facebook makes one feel good about oneself. It is well known that being connected with friends and family always brings about happiness and well-being. According to Hancock, Facebook gives us this opportunity to be with people and share our thoughts and works and hence it is a source of happiness.
The authors conclude that though with many negative consequences, Facebook has the potential to lift up the spirits after a long day’s work.