
Facebook Sparks a Narcissistic Trend

by Savitha C Muppala on Jul 31 2011 7:47 AM

Waking up to Facebook , being logged on and posting minute details of ones lives , images , videos and thoughts is common among many millions of facebook users.

 Facebook Sparks a Narcissistic Trend
Waking up to Facebook , being logged on and posting minute details of ones lives , images , videos  and thoughts is common  among many millions of facebook users.
With more than 750 million facebook users, we now have both young and old hooked on to telling the world complete details of their life and also expecting feedback to every post. ‘Privacy’ seems to be an outdated concept, courtesy social networking.

Those who constantly post pictures and updates of their movements are actually looking for feedback and comments on their posts, similar to a child constantly looking for praise and feedback. Users of Twitter , another site which also allows people to post their thoughts, comments and feedback,  is actually egging people to stay constantly in the virtual world, a practice which could shut them away from the real world.

Such a trend is harmful as it hampers the ability to communicate suitably in the real world, and could also be fueling an identity crisis. Further, users may experience reduced concentration, short attention span and turn them into  self-obsessed people, looking for constant praise from virtual friends.

