Love is said to be the most blissful experience for an individual, but this constellation of emotions is not that pleasurable when it comes to health.
Love is said to be the most blissful experience for an individual, but this constellation of emotions is not that pleasurable when it comes to health.
A new research has suggested that being in love does make people sick and unwell.According to researchers at Imperial College London, the highs and lows of romance cause a range of physical reactions like dilation of eyes, sweating of palms and increase in heart rate.
"Love has some obvious physical effects," the Telegraph quoted Professor Martin Cowie, as saying.
"Pupils dilate, palms become sweaty and the heart rate increases. Large amounts of adrenaline are running through our system which does cause problems," he added.
Cowie says that stress related illnesses at work cropped up from near-identical physical phenomena.
"We have seen a big rise in people complaining of flu-like symptoms over a long period of time," he said.
"If people are suffering from emotional problems, they need to acknowledge the effect on their health. There is a feeling that talking about emotions somehow makes you weak, but there is a real link between emotions and health.
"We know, for instance, that newly widowed men have a 50 percent higher chance of serious heart problems," Cowie said.