Contrary to popular belief, fat is actually necessary for various bodily mechanisms and is an important part of human diet
Contrary to popular belief, fat is actually necessary for various bodily mechanisms and is an important part of human diet.
According to a panel of experts, fat is not only a source for energy in the body it also nourishes hair and skin in all living mammals.Antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E are also beneficial tools in the fight against aging and other skin problems.
Studies have shown that lab animals deprived of essential fatty acid intake experienced dry, scaly skin; skin wrinkling; and hair loss.
However, high intake of essential fats can lead to other skin disorders such as acne and health problems such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.
Experts revealed that most of the individuals are lacking in proper balanced intake of dietary fats, antioxidants, and other beneficial nutrients.
Without dietary fat, the body cannot absorb certain nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E, and K.
However, the non-westernized diets are linked to little or no occurrences of skin problems and reduced incidences of inflammatory diseases and disorders.
The experts say that the best route to clear skin, a full head of hair, and a clean bill of health is a diet containing a low glycemic load.
Fruits, vegetables, fibre, fish, and unsaturated fats are the elements of a low-glycemic load diet.