
Fat rich diet is real dangerous and predispose lifestyle diseases.

Besides adding the extra kilos to the body a fat rich diet predisposes to diabetes as well.

The mechanism is by elevating the blood sugar levels and cause diabetes. The study was conducted by researchers in University of California. This can now better explain why obese people are diabetic.

The biochemical mechanism is that fats in the diet do not let insulin producing enzyme to act properly and so the disease occurs.

The link between obese individuals and type 2 diabetes is long known.

In the United States, two out of three adults are overweight or obese. Experts have said obese people are up to 80 times more likely to develop diabetes, and both conditions are on the rise.

In the words of Jamey Marth, a professor of cellular and molecular medicine at the university, “We have discovered ... a molecular trigger which begins the chain of events leading from hyperglycemia to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. This finding suggests new approaches to the prevention and treatment of diabetes.”

"Our findings suggest that the current human epidemic in type 2 diabetes may be a result of GnT-4a enzyme deficiency," said Marth, adding that people who inherit a faulty gene that controls the enzyme may also be vulnerable to diabetes.

