CD8+ T cells help control infection and aid in the development of an improved tuberculosis (TB) vaccine, revealed Dr. Lewinsohn’s research interest.

‘Tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, primarily affects the lung. It may spread to other organs.’

This work has resulted in the creation of a small OHSU startup, ViTi, that he manages with Deborah Lewinsohn. ViTi was created to take the work in the lab, and to develop improved diagnostics for TB. Dr. Lewinsohn has collaborated with the CDC, the TB Research Unit (TBRU), the Kwazulu-Natal Research Institute for HIV and TB, the South African TB Vaccine Initiative, the AERAS Global Vaccine Foundation, Oxford University and UCSF. Dr. Lewinsohn was the co-chair of the ATS/CDC/IDSA committee to develop new guidelines for the diagnosis of infection with Mtb. 

Dr. Lewinsohn’s research has been supported by the ALA, the NIH, the Aeras Global Vaccine Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the VA. Dr. Lewinsohn has worked closely with the StopTB Partnership, is currently the chair of the Vaccines Working group, has represented the New Tools working groups for the past three years on the BOD, and is on the executive committee.