FDA announces that it will take stringent action against candy manufacturers if lead level is not maintained in candy.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has imposed strict and new guidelines to the amount of lead concentration which is present in candies. Lead is a very high toxic metal which is found in Mexican candies and to avoid the ill effects of these lead the FDA as imposed that lead should not be more than 1/10 parts per million (ppm) lead. The FDA feels that this new recommended level concentration does not pose any risk to children’s and is safe for children’s to have these candies. Lead has very adverse effects on children’s as, Lead even at a very small concentration affects the central nervous system, circulatory system, reproductive system and kidneys of children’s. Lead intake causes learning disabilities, affects concentration, and decreases IQ leading to decreased school performance and cognitive functioning. The FDA as send the notification to all candy manufacturers about the new recommended lead level and the quality of the candies with lead concentration will be monitored by FDA.