One out of seven people are scared of getting sacked for staying at home to care for their elderly family members, reveals a new study.
One out of seven people are scared of getting sacked for staying at home to care for their elderly family members, reveals a new study. According to a study by Engage Mutual Assurance, around 14 percent of 40-65-year-olds believe that employers regard taking off such time as absenteeism.
The lack of employer flexibility comes despite rising numbers of the middle-aged having to care for ageing parents.
Nearly a quarter of the 1,000 surveyed said they provided elderly parents with daily support.
The poll also found when people have only one parent the probability of them having to do odd jobs in the garden and about the home rises by more than 50 percent.
Engage Mutual director Karl Elliot claimed that if employers were as accepting of the need for people to take time off to care for their elderly parents as they are of child care it would ease the stress on carers.
He said the fear of getting fired was placing carers under unnecessary strain.