One third of the people who are undergoing fertility treatment do not confide in their employers
One third of the people who are undergoing fertility treatment do not confide in their employers about the treatment because they are apprehensive about the repercussions .In a survey carried out by the Infertility Network of the UK on approximately 300 patients, it was observed that the patients were worried about not being able to gain the sympathy of their bosses. The survey, done for National Infertility Day, revealed that although the majority of people confide in their employers , 29% felt they could not discuss the subject with them.
The other reasons for not telling employers include worries about colleagues finding out, and a feeling that their infertility problem was a very private matter. One in seven couples in the UK experience fertility problems.Although the time taken for treatment varied for different individuals ,the majority had taken less than ten working days.
Some employers acknowledge that infertility is a medical condition, and allow their staff to take time off for treatment. A leaflet on fertility information has been produced to educate and encourage employers to be more supportive to an an employee who is going through fertility treatment and how support from the employer can ease the stress of the patient making it more effective.