Antiosteoporotic treatments and duloxetine administered to primary care patients are safe against infection by COVID-19 and could even reduce its incidence.

‘Antiosteoporotic drugs are safe and should continued to be administered to patients who need them.’
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The study analyzed data from 2,000 patients suffering from osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia.Read More..

Researchers worked jointly with the UPF Neuropharmacology Laboratory research group, the Hospital del Mar-IMIM Integrative Pharmacology and Systems Neuroscience research group, and physicians at the Vila Olímpica primary healthcare centre (CAP).
They studied the various drugs and the evolution of rheumatology patients with non-inflammatory diseases and their relation to infection by SARS-CoV-2, etc.
Different activation mechanisms
"The study suggests that some of the osteoporosis treatments may protect patients against infection by COVID-19, although further studies still need to be conducted on more patients to prove it", he states.
Duloxetine may also have a positive effect in decreasing the incidence of COVID-19. But, pregabalin, seems to increase the incidence of COVID-19.
In the same vein, Dr. Alba Gurt, a physician at the Vila Olímpica CAP of the Pere Virgili Health Park and co-author of the work, points out that "the data from the study would indicate that the antiosteoporotic treatments and duloxetine administered to our primary care patients are safe against infection by COVID-19 and could even reduce its incidence. However, studies with a higher number of patients are required to verify this" .