
Fiber-Rich Diet Lowers Cancer Radiation Induced Inflammation

by Samhita Vitta on Sep 30 2020 4:52 PM

Fiber-Rich Diet Lowers Cancer Radiation Induced Inflammation
Fiber rich diet could significantly reduce radiation-induced gut inflammation, according to a new study.
The researchers found that dietary oat bran can reduce chronic gastrointestinal damage which is caused due to radiotherapy.

Cancer patients are generally advised to follow a restricted fiber diet because it is thought to worsen bloating and diarrhea. These are common side effects of radiotherapy.

This advice is not very evidence-based as insufficient fiber potentially being counterproductive and worsens gastrointestinal toxicity.

The study compared the effects of high-fiber and no-fiber diets. The researchers found that a fiber-free diet is worse for people who are undergoing radiotherapy treatment.

A no-fiber diet generated inflammatory cytokines. These cytokines are present for a long time after radiation. It results in increased inflammation of the digestive system.

A fiber-rich diet decreases the presence of cytokines. It reduces the radiation-induced inflammation, both in short and the long term.

Many cancer survivors have intestinal issues after radiation. In Europe, around one million pelvic-organ cancer survivors suffer from compromised intestinal health due to radiation-induced gastrointestinal symptoms.

It is the same in Australia and around the world where there is no immediate cure or treatment.

"If we can prevent some of the inflammation resulting from radiation simply by adjusting dietary fiber levels, we could improve long-term, and possibly life-long, intestinal health among cancer survivors," said Dr Andrea Stringer.

