Health experts have welcomed the first ever natural Pill made by drugs giant Bayer Schering Pharma as it promises to reduce side effects
Health experts have welcomed the first ever "natural" Pill made by drugs giant Bayer Schering Pharma as it promises to reduce side effects linked to the original ones.
The new version of Qlaira-which has been tested on almost 3,000 women-can reduce headaches, mood swings, and the higher risk of blood clots that put many women off the birth control tablets.Women using it have shorter periods, with less pain and cramps, than those on the normal Pill.
It uses a type of hormone oestrogen identical to that in the body.
Earlier, scientists used a synthetic hormone, which has remained the same since the contraceptive was launched 50 years ago.
The Pill works by altering the body's hormone balance, which blocks the ovaries from releasing a new egg.
While it is used by about 75 per cent British women, a survey has revealed that women would prefer a more natural alternative.
According to the Sun, she added: "Many women may find the concept of a Pill delivering a 'body-identical' hormone very attractive.