
First Lady Michelle Obama Plays Track Santa With Kids

by Kathy Jones on Dec 26 2010 10:23 AM

 First Lady Michelle Obama Plays Track Santa With Kids
US First lady Michelle Obama has been busy taking calls from children who are calling in to ask her where Santa is.
The First Lady took part in the "NORAD Tracks Santa" program, answering phone calls from children desperate to know where Saint Nick is and when he might visit their homes.

The program began back in 1955 when a child misdialled a number in a local newspaper. The call went through to the Continental Air Defense Command Operations Centre in Colorado Springs and the commander on duty told the child where Santa was at that time.

And so, a tradition was born.

NORAD was officially formed in 1958 and the agency picked up the tradition of tracking the big guy, reports Fox News.

According to the White House, Mrs Obama introduced herself to each caller and when she was asked for Santa's location, she looked at the NORAD Santa Route Schedule and gave out the information.

The White House says Mrs. Obama answered the calls for approximately 40 minutes. NORAD says Santa will be over the White House, and the rest of the city at midnight.

