The DVD complemented an ongoing three-year research program aimed at improving fitness and quality of life of those with Leukemia.

“There was one lady aged in her 70s with myeloma (cancer of plasma cells) who was so weak when we first met her that she couldn’t hang washing on the line. She needed stem cell treatment to fight the cancer, but she wasn’t strong or big enough to undergo the procedure,” said Ms Shevill.
The exercise DVD helped her gain strength to withstand the treatment and improve strength. “On the Fit to Thrive program she improved out of sight. After six months she had the strength to receive the stem cells and has continued to grow stronger and healthier.”
“The program started as a pilot 12-week exercise intervention for 30 people, but the results were so promising that it has now become a much larger project. After initial assessment, participants receive an individualised program, mentoring, reviews and an introduction to group classes, as well as supporting material,” said Ms Shevill.
The DVD itself is a tool the Leukaemia Foundation identified as a way to better assist those in rural areas, with different levels of activities included, depending on the strength and stage of treatment of the participant.