New figures reveal puzzling variations on how hospitals spend for meals for their patients.
New figures reveal puzzling variations on how hospitals spend for meals for their patients. An area-wise breakdown shows that some health boards are spending four times the amounts spent by others.
The report says that NHS Lothian spends an average of £61 on patients' meals per week as compared to the Scottish average of £59.According to The Scotsman newspaper, there are huge variations reported. "Highland spending just £42, the Borders £47, Fife and Greater Glasgow both spending £53, Lanarkshire £67, Ayshire & Arran and Argyll & Clyde £68, Shetland £143 and the Golden Jubilee Hospital spending £280," the report says.
The report was released just as Audit Scotland is beginning to take up the issue of hospital catering. According to some estimates the cost of meals per patient works out to be £8.40 per day.