Remanence of anthrax spores in Smailholm and the border areas has raised the concern of NHS Borders, instigating a decontamination operation at a village hall
Remanence of anthrax spores in Smailholm and the border areas has raised the concern of NHS Borders, instigating a decontamination operation at a village hall where drumming classes were being conducted.
NHS Borders have deputed the New York-based specialists Sabre, to look into this matter. The finding revealed that there were traces of anthrax evident in certain areas in Northumberland and the Borders, including Smailholm Village Hall.Using a tarpaulin cover, the hall has been sealed. This will be followed by a decontamination operation with chlorine dioxide gas. NHS Borders has confirmed that after the decontamination process is through, the site would be tested again to ensure the place is absolutely anthrax free.
Dr Andrew Riley, director of public health at NHS Borders, said "I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank all Smailholm residents for their co-operation, understanding, support and patience during what has been a most difficult and complex process."