
For better mood and energy!! Work-up in short span

As little as 10 minutes of moderate exercise daily can improve mood and reduce fatigue, study reports.

It is a well known fact that exercise has its benefit towars the physical asset. But as far as mental fatigue is concerned, there was a debate as to how much exercise will benefit. This is based on the preliminary findings which included 14 women who did ride stationary bicycle for longer periods and did not find any benefits as far as mood is concerned.

Cheryl J. Hansen and colleagues from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona suggested to experience positive fitness and health benefits and that normal adults should participate in a total of 30 minutes of moderate physical exercise daily, accumulated in short bouts throughout the day.

They did a study and found that there was a significant decline in the levels of fatigue and confusion and significant improvements in energy levels after 10 minutes. Exercise did not appear to reduce levels of tension, depression and anger among women, but these feelings were already low, the researchers note.

In general, the results suggest that exercising for 10 minutes at an aerobic level of 60% (of maximum heart rate) is sufficient for increasing vigor, decreasing fatigue, and decreasing total negative mood state.
