A new study suggests that > 65 may be a more accurate age marker for prognosis.

A review of the literature to determine the origin of this age marker appears to date back to an article by Byar, et al., published in European Journal of Cancer in 1979, that was underpowered and not specific to well-differentiated thyroid cancer. In addition, empiric clinical observations often suggest that patients aged 45 to 64 years appear to have similar long-term outcomes when compared to patients < 45 years of age.
A team of researchers led by Lindsay Bischoff, MD, of the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pa., thus conducted a study to determine the accuracy of age 45 as a prognostic cut-off. They performed a search of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Result (SEER) database to obtain data for histology-confirmed papillary thyroid cancer. Data were stratified in 5-year categories by age at diagnosis from 20 to 84 years old, with patients 85 years of age and older categorized together. All stages, race/ethnicity groups, and sexes were included. A total of 53, 581 patients were identified with histologically confirmed papillary thyroid cancers.
Researchers found that the overall 5-year survival remained above 90% for all age groups under 65 years. It was not until age 65 years and older that patients had a progressively less favorable prognosis with each advancing age group.