Women who undergo major preventive surgeries had a reduced risk of breast and ovarian cancers, a new study has shown.

"We have believed this for 15 years but it's been so controversial - removing organs for cancer risk," said Tomlinson.
The idea can be jarring unless one considers that the women with the specific genetic mutations, BRCA1 and BRCA2, are seeing people in their family suffering from these cancers one after another, Tomlinson said.
She noted that often these are women with young families and careers to worry about, and the worry about dying from cancer at an early age because of familial predisposition can be overwhelming.
"This is a compromise women are willing to accept and their husbands are willing to accept, because the whole family worries about whether the women are going to get breast cancer," Tomlinson said.
In addition to breast and ovarian cancer, she said, "certain types of thyroid and kidney cancer run in families and early intervention can be lifesaving."
In 247 women who chose risk-reducing mastectomies, no breast cancers were diagnosed, while one in 13 of the 1,372 who did not have the surgery were diagnosed with breast cancer.
The findings were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.