
Freefall Indian Baby Slowly Recovering

by Gopalan on Mar 1 2008 11:44 AM

The Indian baby girl that miraculously survived a freefall and landed on railway track is recovering in a hospital in Gujarat in western India.

The Indian baby girl that miraculously survived a freefall and landed on railway track is recovering in a hospital in Gujarat in western India.

If it was a miracle she survived the fall down the toilet, it should be even more so that she should be able to take in her mother’s milk.

It is still too early to predict, but survival thus far has been heartening. And everyone is hoping that she could still pull through.

A doctor treating the baby at a hospital had earlier said that he did not expect her to survive and that she had been on the track for almost one-and-a-half to two hours. She had a low heart rate and body temperature, it had been stated. But she seems to be fighting the odds.

The child's mother Bhuri from Rajasthan, adjoining Gujarat, was traveling with relatives on an overnight train when she went to the bathroom shortly before midnight Tuesday.

And right in the toilet the baby was delivered, only to fall through the hole found in most train toilets.

"Later, she fell unconscious and the baby fell through the toilet," he continued. "Two stations later, we knocked at the door," her brother-in-law Arun Kumar said.

Bhuri opened the door, soaked in blood.

"When we asked her about what happened, she said the baby had fallen through onto the tracks," Kumar said.

Thereafter relatives pulled the train's emergency brake and told railway officials what had happened. A search was quickly organized, and guards at one of the stations the train had passed through soon found the baby, with her umbilical cord beside her.

Presently the baby girl is in intensive care because of her premature birth.

Paediatrician, Dr Raj Kumar, told The Times of India newspaper: "She is a fighter. In just 12 hours after the unthinkable accident, she was coming out of it quite well."

The miracle baby's life is slowly but gradually getting on the track. "Milk expressed from her mother's breasts was fed to her through tubes. This is the first day she was fed her mother's milk since her birth," Dr Raj Kumar said Friday.

Doctors have put the baby girl on an elaborate antibiotic cover to protect her from any infections she might have got exposed during her time between the rails.

The little bundle is now mostly busy exercising her fragile lungs crying and also throwing in the faintest of smiles in between as she remained in the incubator. Doctors said that lady luck should have been smiling all along, as she did not seem to have landed on the tracks on her head.

"Usually, children are born head first. It seems the girl either came legs first or swing around her umbilical cord and landed on her hip. She has no trace of injury whatsoever on her head, though she has some internal injury on the hip bone," said Dr Kumar.

Meanwhile, station master K K Rai sacrificed his day-off on Thursday and boarded a train to Ahmedabad from Ambaliyasan first thing in the morning to check if the girl he saved from the railway track was doing fine.

"Her survival is God's will. When we found her, she was lying dangerously close to one track, crying miserably, her body turning blue and cold. I am so glad she has made it," Rai, himself a father of a one-year-old boy said as he peered through the incubator glass.












