The effects on a baby's health by the mother's activities and emotions during pregnancy would carry on right into adulthood, reveal new studies.

Project Viva, a Harvard Medical School study of 2,670 pregnant women, which began in 1999, has made some remarkable discoveries.
A mother's diet affects the chances of her baby's obesity - and this relationship persists into the child's adolescent years, reports the Daily Mail.
Stephanie Bayol and her colleagues at the Royal Veterinary College, in London, found that offspring of pregnant mums who were fed junk food were 95 per cent more likely to overeat than those whose mothers had eaten healthy food.
Another experiment showed that children of pregnant women who were fed carrot juice in the third trimester were more likely to like the taste of carrot-flavoured cereal than those who did not.
Sadly the same is true for opposite effects.
Studies have also shown that how a mother's psychology can actually affect a baby.
"That difference suggests that these foetuses are already more sensitive to stress. It could be that the foetuses' nervous systems are already being shaped by their mothers' emotional states," said Professor Caroline Monk.