
GastriSail Lights Up from Inside the Stomach to Help Sleeve Gastrectomy Procedures

by Vishnuprasad on Jun 10 2015 9:46 PM

Medical technology giant Medtronic has released the GastriSail gastric positioning system for sleeve gastrectomy procedures in the in the US.

GastriSail Lights Up from Inside the Stomach to Help Sleeve Gastrectomy Procedures
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG) is a restrictive procedure that reduces the size of the stomach and limits food intake.
The Sleeve Gastrectomy is usually performed as a laparoscopic procedure. This involves making five or six small incisions in the abdomen and performing the procedure using a video camera known as laparoscope and long instruments that are placed through these small incisions.

During the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy, about 75% of the stomach is removed leaving a narrow gastric ’tube’ or ’sleeve’. Medical technology giant Medtronic has released the GastriSail gastric positioning system for sleeve gastrectomy procedures in the in the U.S.

The device is designed to speed up sleeve creation with more consistent results from procedure to procedure. This is achieved by combining the capabilities of multiple instruments that measure, decompress, and test the stomach for leaks into one device. The surgical procedure can move along faster without the potential risk of unnecessary injury, since there’s no need to swap tools.

The device features a row of LED lights along one of its edges. Once the lights are positioned within the stomach, it allows the surgeon to see its location from the outside. This provides the ability to align the dissection line precisely along the light path and match the proper sizing identified from within the stomach.

Chris Barry, senior vice president and president of the Surgical Innovations business, Minimally Invasive Therapies Group at Medtronic said that working very closely with Dr. Trivedi, we were able to develop the GastriSail system as a unique solution that promotes consistency of the sleeve, but also procedural efficiency.

“The GastriSail system is a first-of-its-kind in the bariatric industry, and demonstrates our continued commitment to fight obesity with specialized solutions that provide better patient outcomes and have the potential to increase adoption of this well-established procedure,” Barry said.











