
Gel Developed to Treat Male Menopause

A Brit company has developed a gel that it says can treat hypogonadism, also known as ‘male menopause’

A Brit company has developed a gel that it says can treat hypogonadism, also known as ‘male menopause’.

Hypogonadism is a condition that causes reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, baldness, weight gain, lethargy, and irritability.

Like women who grow less fertile as they grow older, in men too the same happens, with age causing a decline in the production of testosterone, the hormone associated with male libido and sexual function, as well as muscle mass and strength, and bone density.

According to ProStraken, the Scottish company behind the male menopause gel, 6 to 12 percent of men over 40, as well as 91 percent of men over 80 suffer from the condition, reports the Telegraph.

The colourless gel has been named Tostran, and contains two per cent synthetic testosterone, which is absorbed through the skin when applied to the shoulders, upper arms or abdomen.

The hormone is then released slowly into the bloodstream, and trials have found that normal levels of it are restored in most men in a matter of hours.

However, boffins are warning that while Testosterone replacement therapies (TRTs) can improve libido and erectile dysfunction, some of them also come with side effects, such as acne, skin reaction, headache and hypertension.

