
Gen X Overwhelmed by Stress, Exhaustion and Insecurity

by Hannah Punitha on Apr 28 2008 5:19 PM

Adults in their thirties and early forties are battling under pressures of meeting career goals, good looks and insecurity, according to a survey.

The report released by Grey Worldwide Australia's Eye on Australia has claimed that Gen X are struggling to cope up with the demands of their children and baby boomer parents.

The results showed that those between 28 years and 43 years rate themselves 4.9 out of 10 for looks.

Moreover, two-thirds want to be thinner, 57 per cent live from week to week financially and 40 per cent worry about their families.

"They're sandwiched between the baby boomers who refuse to let go, and the younger, cooler more tech-savvy Gen Yers who are already snapping at their heels," quoted Grey's Simon Rich, as saying.

"They are ageing and feeling the pinch financially but also have a young family, which can be very stressful," he added.

Kylie Green, of Kingswood, said that this is because people are generally busier in their 30s and into their 40s.

"I've got two kids and another one on the way, and I work 2 1/2 days a week," she said .

"I guess that's why that age group would be tired, because it's when people are having kids," she added.

The survey also contradicted the popular myth that Australians are growing more environmentally aware over time.

It said 32 per cent of adults are "sick of hearing about the environment" and 32 per cent believe the media exaggerates the effects of global warming.

Overall, the survey showed that 65 per cent of Australians are extremely or very satisfied with life, and 70 per cent believe we are living in prosperous times.

